This 38A alterantor kit replaces the original ducati stator and rotor. The kit is a bolt on upgrade which delivers outstanding charge output, even at low idle speed.
- 14V / 510W / 38A
- Neodym permanent magnet rotor
- 3-phase stator with dual ignition charge coils
- 38A regulator/rectifier lead and lithium safe
- Microprosessor 3-Phase Rregulator/rectifier 13,2-14,3V 37A - smart IUU design - soft OVP 14,6V - Temperatur-Alarm >75°C
- Mounting instructions :
- There may be paint residue on the stator. The inside diameter should therefore be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. Contamination can also adhere to the motor. Therefore, clean thoroughly with fine sandpaper. It must be possible to push the stator easily onto the centering surface. When assembling the rotor, proceed very carefully and push it slowly over the stator. The magnets are very strong and very brittle and must not touch the stator under any circumstances. With the regulator, both plus and both minus connections must be connected directly to the battery with max. 50cm cables. Shunt ammeters, battery switches or fuses must not be used. During operation, the LiMa controller gets hot and must therefore be cooled by the airstream. No guarantee when using inferior connectors. Only phosphor bronze crimp connectors are accepted.