Lim og Låsing
Lim og Låsing
Markal Security Check
Security Check Paint Marker is perfect for indicating tampering or loosening of bolts or parts, Markal Security Check paint provides an easy-to-read visual indication.
Torque Seal
Dykem Cross Check (also known as Anti-Sabotage Lacquer) is an easy and inexpensive way to detect loosening due to vibration and tampering. The product dries quickly, leaving a highly visible but brittle mark which will crack at the first sign of loosening
Loctite 222
LOCTITE 222 / Erstatter 221 gjengelåsemiddel med lav styrke
Loctite 243
Loctite 243 gjengelåsemiddel med middels styrke
Loctite 648
Loctite 648 fastholdingsmiddel med god temperaturbestandighet og høy styrke
Loctite 5910 (80ml)
Loctite 5910 for bruk ved montering av ignition housing, girboks, motorblokk mm.
Reinzosil silikonpakning (300°c)
This highly elastic universal sealing compound is resistant to mineral oils and numerous synthetic oils, lubricants, petrol, diesel oil, greases, hot and cold water, detergents, sunlight, ozone, and sea water.